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Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Frostbite is the damage that is caused to the skin and other tissues due to extreme cold. The paws, ears, and tail are the most common tissues to be affected. If you suspect your dog has frostbite, you should seek medical attention immediately. Mild cases of frostbite usually resolve with little permanent damage, while more severe frostbite may result in permanent disfiguration or alteration of the affected tissues.

  • Gastritis in Cats

    La gastritis se define como la inflamación de la mucosa gástrica. La palabra gastritis deriva del término griego gastro, que significa estómago y itis, que significa inflamación. Una gastritis puede ser aguda o crónica, y puede estar asociada a condiciones más graves.

  • Gastrostomy tubes are placed through the skin of the abdomen into the stomach to enable long-term nutrition in dogs that either refuse to eat or are unable to chew and swallow food. A special liquid diet or homemade mixture liquefied with water will be recommended by your veterinarian. Step-by-step instructions are provided. The decision to remove the tube will be determined by your veterinarian.

  • Recommendations for New Kitten Owners

    Nuestras felicitaciones por su nueva adquisición. Tener un gato puede ser una experiencia muy gratificante, pero además es una gran responsabilidad por muchos años. Esperamos que encuentre toda la información que necesite para que pueda tomar las mejores decisiones para su gatito.

  • Genetic (DNA) testing is readily available, whether you are using it for fun to find out what breeds your pet is made up of or if you are looking into possible medical conditions. DNA samples can be collected either from a cheek swab or a blood draw. Knowing which breeds your pet is made up of can help you and your veterinarian prevent or prepare for health issues in the future.

  • When you bring a new puppy into your home, there is inevitably a period of adjustment. The adjustment will be easier if you plan how you will meet the puppy's needs and provide a positive experience, safe socialization, supervision, and structure. Puppies can be exhausting at times, but raising a puppy is intensely rewarding.

  • Giardia in Cats

    La giardiasis es una infección intestinal del hombre y los animales provocada por un protozoo parásitario llamado Giardia intestinalis (conocido también como Giardia lamblia). La Giardia es una especie parásita simple de una sola célula; no es un "gusano", ni una bacteria ni un virus. Este parásito tiene una distribución mundial y es una causa común de la "diarrea del viajero" en las personas.

  • Giardia in Dogs

    La giardiasis es una infección intestinal del hombre y los animales provocada por un protozoo parásitario llamado Giardia intestinalis (conocido también como Giardia lamblia).

  • Certain medical conditions require drugs that are available only in an injectable format. In many cases, cat owners can administer these medications at home. Most cats do not mind routine injections that are given in the subcutaneous tissue. This handout provides step-by-step instructions for giving an injection. Dispose of used needles and syringes properly.

  • Certain medical conditions require drugs that are available only in an injectable format. In many cases, dog owners can administer these medications at home. Most dogs do not mind routine injections that are given in the subcutaneous tissue. This handout provides step-by-step instructions for giving an injection. Dispose of used needles and syringes properly.