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Behavior & Training

  • Although some dogs like to run free more than others, all dogs need to be trained so they will respond when they are off leash. Dogs instinctively want to explore new sights, sounds, and smells so it's important to teach them to return to home base. Start by teaching your dog basic verbal commands without the tug of a leash at home. When your dog becomes proficient close to home or in confined areas, you can both venture out further or add more distractions. Incorporating off-leash training into ordinary daily activities reinforces the learning. Your dog's response may be enhanced if he receives a reward for his prompt attention. The reward can be as simple as a “Good dog!” accompanied by a pat on the head, a treat, or toy. Be careful not to create a dependency on treats as motivation for good behavior.

  • Ferrets are generally good-natured, inquisitive, playful animals that enjoy the company of humans. They can make great pets! This handout provides some basic facts about ferrets and what you need to know about keeping one as a pet.

  • Barking in Dogs

    Una de las quejas más frecuentes de los propietarios y de los vecinos es que el perro ladra demasiado. No obstante, ladrar es natural en el perro y sirve como señal de alarma y de advertencia. Algunos animales también pueden ladrar cuando se separan del grupo o de la familia, así como en momentos de indecisión, ansiedad o frustración.

  • Controlling Pulling on Walks

    Hay perros que tiran demasiado de la correa porque son especialmente juguetones, les gusta explorar e investigar el entorno y se sienten atraídos por muchos estímulos (niños, otros perros, etc.).

  • Some cats do not seem to know their strength and do not recognize that they are causing pain to their play partners. Accidental bites and scratches can be painful and cause infection, so it is important to find ways to play safely. With training, you may be able to use a verbal cue to redirect your cat if he becomes overly aroused during play.

  • Mouthing, nipping, and biting are used by all puppies during social play with their littermates. Once they leave their littermates, you can easily teach them a new set of games that are appropriate for social play with people. It is important to provide puppies with outlets for appropriate play from the start. Puppies should never be punished for playing with their teeth, as it can cause them to become permanently fearful of people.

  • Guarding desired items can be a normal behavior in dogs, but when it escalates, the safety of both people and animals is compromised. Exercises to prevent and reverse guarding behavior can be beneficial to any dog. Professional guidance is needed for any dog who repeatedly conflicts with people or pets because of guarding behavior.

  • Using Reinforcement and Rewards to Train Your Pet

    La mejor forma de adiestrar un animal consiste en utilizar correctamente el refuerzo positivo, los premios y los castigos. Es necesario saber cuál de ellos utilizar, cuándo, cómo y qué sucede si se usan indebidamente. La finalidad del adiestramiento es enseñar la tarea o el comportamiento deseados.

  • Preparing your cat to travel to the vet is one of the most important investments you can make during the lifespan of your cat. Cats should visit the veterinary hospital at least once yearly. The smoother the experience goes, the least amount of stress both you and your cat will experience.

  • When families shelter together for extended periods, as occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, pets enjoy nearly constant companionship. As people resume an active lifestyle, pets are suddenly faced with being alone. They may experience distress related to this loss of companionship. Treatment is discussed, such as independence training and an incremental program of safe departures. If your pet shows continued signs of distress related to being alone, it is important to seek professional help to prevent escalation.